Beginners Guide to SEO Blog Content

Every blogger is in search of one hot commodity.  Readers!

The objective of your blog is to get traffic to your website.

In my new role at Pearachute, I am in charge of building their blog page.  As a novice in search engine optimization, I did some research on the basics of blogging to boost SEO quality for your business.

Market research is important to understanding what people are reading.  Finding non competitive keywords and using them in your title with help your content in search results.

Google Keyword Planner lets you search for words or phrases related to your products or services and are most relevant to your business.  Their research tool lets you see how often certain words are being search over time.

The Yoast SEO plugin is a great tool for controlling post titles, meta descriptions, setting targeted keywords, and tracks the visual readability and page performance.

When organizing your blog into categories, avoid creating too many tags and categories.  More content linked to those category pages helps in search results.

When uploading images to individual posts, like featured images or related imagery, use keywords in the image file title.  For example, instead of using screenshot.png, use food-recipes.png.

Organizing your blog into different buckets of related content will help you rank in search.  Use a structure highlighting multiple cornerstone pieces of content and connect related posts using internal hyperlinks.

Market research, site creation and solid structure is important, but site promotion is even more important to growing a blog audience and increasing traffic.

Promoting your website in all possible ways and having quality backlinks is the best way to drive traffic.  Promoting individual posts on all social platforms, and trying to get featured on other popular blog pages is a great way to get your content in front of readers.

Five Key Takeaways:

1. Utilize keywords through each post. Include them in the title, headings, subheadings, first and last sentences, hyperlinked text, uploading images tags and meta descriptions.

2. Use social platforms to broaden the reach of your blog

3. Download the Yoast SEO Plugin

4. Use a Keyword Researching tool

5. Use internal links that connect your blog posts together

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