Category: Value Proposition

Executing a Successful Marketing Campaign

Executing a Successful Marketing Campaign

Last week, Amazon held the much anticipated Prime Day sale from July 15-16, 2019. Originally,...
Flyer Design with Custom QR Codes

Flyer Design with Custom QR Codes

This week at Pearachute I worked on designing a one-sided flyer for our Community Coordinators....
Content Creation: Executing new ideas

Content Creation: Executing new ideas

As a content specialist, my job is focused primarily on, well...creating content. My day-to-day is...
Mobile App Ui Design Proposal and Product Roadmap

Mobile App Ui Design Proposal and Product Roadmap

This week, prior to our product meeting, I created a Mobile App Ui Design Proposal....
Collaborating With Brands for Social Growth

Collaborating With Brands for Social Growth

This week at Pearachute, I was in charge of putting together an instagram campaign for...
Attacking the Chaotic Startup Atmosphere Head On

Attacking the Chaotic Startup Atmosphere Head On

It has been three long and eventual weeks since I started my new role at...