Organic Growth Social Media Challenge

It has been two weeks since I started my new role as Content Specialist & Marketing Analyst at Pearachute in Chicago. This opportunity is helping me grow as a Graphic Designer and content creator. Everyday I am focused on developing skills in marketing analytics, content writing, and using social platforms build national brand awareness through organic growth.

My New Mission

Pearachute’s mission relates me my childhood directly. Growing up in a small town in Western, MA, my fondest childhood memories are of playing outside with friends and family. Everyday I am working to help improve the lives of parents and families create long-lasting memories with their kids. That makes getting up in the morning worth it alone.

At Pearachute my responsibilities are focused on creating and analyzing marketing strategies on many social platforms. While managing all of Pearachute’s social media accounts and their blog page, I am motivated to grow Pearachute’s brand and organic reach into new markets across the country.

Content Challenge

As a content creator, I have been challenged to grow our social media platforms, primarily Instagram, to 20,000 new followers by the end of May.

These past two weeks have been focused on listening and absorbing everything I can about the business. On top of adjusting to a new fast-paced work environment I have been determined to create as much content and assets to post on social.

What I Created in Two Weeks

I restructured the design of Pearachute’s blog and wrote five new blog posts and promoted them across all social platforms. You can view and read Pearachute’s new blog, here.

You can also read the blog posts I wrote the past two weeks.

Father’s Day Gifts Dad will Love

Chicago 2019 Pre-K Guide

5 Must-Attend Easter Events in Chicago

Winc Wine Club Perk Promotion

Methodology Meal Delivery Perk Promotion

As a self-taught designer I am most comfortable using Illustrator, but this past week I have been using Adobe Lightroom to easily organize my photo/video assets for Pearachute’s instagram page.

Organic Growth Strategy

After designing and gathering assets, I have scheduled over 30 posts for Pearachute’s instagram feed using the Later, scheduling app.

Below are some of the content strategies I have used to help organically grow the brand.

Pearachute Moments, are real Pearachute families that have documented their experiences at different Pearachute events.

Sticky Note Affirmations are pictures I took around the office and photoshoped inspirational quotes that support the Pearachute mindset and mission for mothers and caregivers.

Pearachute Core Values, are more parenting quotes and the core values that drive home our mission at Pearachute.

Family focused stock imagery, is used sparily within the feed to provoke the overall feeling of mother and child bonding. These posts will also promote blog content. Using a linktree account in the bio allows us to have multiple links highlighted on the profile page. In Adobe Lightroom, I was easily able to resize photos and had a universal preset filter that made images pop.

More Social Assets

I created some Pearachute GIFs by adding text and logos over stock video. Then by using GIPHY I was able to transfer the large video files into smaller GIF files. This can be used for social media ads, mail chimp content emails, and ads for blog content, which link back to Pearachute’s main website.

I also redesigned the Pearachute logo, into several different pear designs using Illustrator that can be used in emails and other promotional posts.

What’s Next?

The first two weeks at Pearachute have been creation focused. I plan to continue to create more content and also engage on Instagram to grow our social following. It will be hard to gain 20k followers just from organic growth alone, therefore I will be focused on other avenues such as advertising through instagram and facebook and engaging with influencers.

Follow @pearachutekids on Instagram to see how I progress with this organic growth strategy.

Learn more about me, the projects I am working on, my entrepreneurial insights, and more! 

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April 30, 2019

Great stuff!! Enjoyed your latest BLOG. Love the content. The sticky note photo idea is excellent. Hope your move in day goes well. Love, Dad

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