Universal Truth vs. Personal Truth

BLOG #10

Truth.  There are many definitions for truth, but this one seems to stand out.

A fact or belief that is accepted as true.

For something to be true, it must be accepted by the masses.  There are two kinds of truths in this world, Universal Truths and Personal Truths.

Universal truths can be as simple as the sky is blue.  Everyone agrees and accepts that the sky is blue. Universal truths can also be more complex.  For example as the Natural Law states, certain rights are inherent by virtue of human nature and are universally understood through human reason.  It is that voice in our head that tells us what is right from wrong. It is the foundation of all human conduct.  As said in the Ten Commandments, you must not murder, commit adultery, or steal. Although these things do happen, the majority of people accept these statements to be true and just.  Governing policies, especially the judicial system need to be exclusively based on universal truths and human rights.

Personal truths on the other hand are different for everyone.  A person’s life experience shapes their beliefs and what they find to be true to themselves.  Your personal truths may be different from someone else’s personal truths. Everyone has been through something in life that has changed the way they look at the world and it is important to respect those beliefs.

Universal truth gives us a foundation of right from wrong, but personal truths give us identity and purpose.  Once discovered and explored over years of experience, our personal truths give us direction on how to live our lives.  We realize what is truly important. Whether that is family and relationships, focusing on our passions and careers, helping to improve mankind or devoting our lives to charity; our personal truths should never compromise the universal truths.

When it comes to truth, explore what truly matters to you.  Own it, embrace it, and share it with the world. Don’t be afraid to fight for what you find to be true.

– Jake Beman

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